This article are intended as guide only. It is not encourage or advising to jailbreak your device.
It is your responsibility for any damage to your device.
What is Jailbreaking?
Jailbreaking refers to the process of removing certain software limitation that Apple has imposed on device that run IOS. This is done by installing a custom Kernel (the main part of most operating system) to replace the original one. An example of software limitation imposed by Apple is the rigidity of the home screen and users inability to change the number icon that appear on any one screen. A common reason people jailbreak is to allow them to change the size or layout of app icon on the home screen. There are two different type of jailbreak :
1. Tethered Jailbreak.
A tethered jailbreak requires the device to be connected to a computer or laptop every time it is booted up. Each time it boots up, the device downloads the custom kernel again, making a tethered jailbreak the most reliable method.
2. Untethered Jailbreak
An untethered Jailbreak means that the device can boot up and power on without connection to a computer or laptop. this is more convenient for the user, but can mean the kernel is prone to develop problems and glitches.
Is It Illegal?
The short answer is... YES and NO!
Until in the mid of 2012, Iphones and Ipads were exempt from the law which made it illegal to circumvent security control that are intented to stop piracy and copyright violation.
Now things have changed and jailbreaking become legal, thanks to the new ruling by the US Library of congress. Whilst it is legal to jailbreak your iphone, it is illegal to do to your ipad. This is despite the fact that the software is identical for both.
Jailbreak Tools
There are many tools for jailbreak.Pangu
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